Template Struct less_equal

Struct Documentation

template<typename T>
struct less_equal

less_equal is a function object. Specifically, it is an Adaptable Binary Predicate, which means it is a function object that tests the truth or falsehood of some condition. If f is an object of class less_equal<T> and x and y are objects of class T, then f(x,y) returns true if x <= y and false otherwise.





Template Parameters

Public Types

typedef first_argument_type

The type of the function object’s first argument.

typedef second_argument_type

The type of the function object’s second argument.

typedef result_type

The type of the function object’s result;.

Public Functions

__host__ __device__ bool thrust::less_equal::operator()(const T & lhs, const T & rhs) const

Function call operator. The return value is lhs <= rhs.